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5 Signs You Need a Website Redesign

5 Signs You Need a Website Redesign

A website is your business’s digital storefront that showcases your brand, product, or service. It is accessible to anyone, anywhere, anytime, to get information or buy products/services. 

A well-designed website with proper search engine optimization (SEO) improves your company’s online presence, drives organic traffic, engages users with valuable content, increases sales, and boosts your business’s bottom line. 

Research shows that it takes 0.05 seconds or 50 milliseconds for internet users to decide whether to stay or leave your website. According to Soc Pub, 57% of online users don’t recommend a business/store with a poorly designed website. 

85% of people think that a business website viewed on a smartphone should have better features than its desktop version. According to HubSpot, 38% of online users stop visiting or engaging a site with an unattractive design or layout.  

Another article on web design usability states that 47% of people expect no more than two seconds of loading time for a website. Keep in that a website design with visual appeal and aesthetics influence 94% of first impressions on visitors. 

These statistics show the significance of a high-quality website design for businesses, including small-medium enterprises and large corporations. If you have an outdated website, it’s time to revive it through a redesign service. 

A website redesign involves updating the interface, structure, content, and navigation. It also improves the loading speed, performance, and conversion of more visitors. Today’s article will discuss five signs you need a website redesign.

1. Outdated Aesthetics

Your website’s aesthetics can significantly affect a visitor’s first impressions of your business. Online users judge a website’s authoritativeness, credibility, and reputation in as little as 3.42 seconds based on its aesthetics. 

Suppose your website has outdated aesthetics, such as a cluttered layout, lack of color contrast, hidden navigation menu, inconsistent fonts, low-quality, slowloading images, and nonresponsive design. In that case, you must hire professional web design services to redesign it.  

Your website must not look like it was designed in the 90s. Otherwise, due to poorly designed aesthetics, it will drive away visitors. Besides, outdated aesthetics create a negative impression on visitors. For instance, they may think you don’t care about your site visitors. 

2. Poor Website Navigation

The “ease of use” is one of the crucial factors users consider when deciding to stay or leave a website. Some users consider navigation more critical than aesthetics because it allows them to access information quickly without clicking multiple links or jumping from page to page. 

A website redesign is an excellent way to revamp the navigation menu and remove unnecessary links and buttons. A professional web designer can create stylish, minimalistic, and intuitive navigation with clear, easy-to-understand language and links to the site’s most important pages. 

A professional website with good navigation uses ample white space, color changes, and other techniques, separating itself from the main content. So, users can accurately use the navigation menu and access their desired pages efficiently and quickly without hassle.

3. The website is Not Responsive

Research shows that 91.1% of people use mobile devices or smartphones to access the internet. Today, people use smartphones to search online, browse websites, or buy products. So, there is nothing they can’t do with a smartphone. Having said that, if your website’s design is not responsive or mobile-friendly, you will lose existing and potential customers. 

The good news is that you can hire an experienced web designer to make your website responsive. As a result, users will find it easy to navigate your website on their smartphones, desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and other devices. 

Responsive design allows your site content to flow efficiently and freely across all screen sizes and resolutions. Making your website responsive prevents you from maintaining different versions for desktop and mobile, saving you resources, time, and effort. 

4. Slow Website Loading

As mentioned earlier, a slow website can take a massive toll on your business and provide negative experiences to your existing and potential customers. Website loading speed impacts how your visitors and customers interact with your business.

Users will leave your website if it does not fully load in less than two or three seconds. There are various causes of a slow website, such as large javascript files, heavy CSS files, video content, high-definition HD images, etc. 

Redesigning your website by hiring a professional web design service can increase the site speed through cutting-edge technologies and tools. At the same time, an experienced and skilled designer writes clean code without large HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, making your site loads fast.  

5. Low SEO Rankings

Search engine algorithms evolve from time to time. Previously, web designers, developers, and content creators would clutter a website’s meta-data and page content with hundreds of keywords to ensure search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing find the page and display it on top SERPs. 

However, the concept of SEO has undergone various changes in the last few years, and Google, the most powerful search engine, is way smarter than it was ten years ago. In addition to website speed, structure, and content, search engines consider UX and UI ranking factors. 

Therefore, a website redesigned with the latest SEO techniques can improve the site’s appearance, visitors’ experience, and conversion rate. When redesigned by a professional web design team, the enhanced UX and UI can improve rankings. 


Because technology and trends evolve, providing your website visitors with relevant features is essential to increasing/maintaining traffic, boosting sales, and retaining visitors. A website redesign is an excellent way to review the current structure and functions and improve the features to provide visitors with satisfactory experiences. 

Wilson Horizons is a digital agency with a qualified, certified, and experienced professional team; see our profile on DesignRush. Our team has extensive knowledge of the latest technologies and techniques to redesign your website and make it stand out from the competition. Contact us today for more information! 

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